GARNETT — If you’re going to have children as college students for the first time next year, January is the month for your. It’s the month that high school counselors start telling seniors and families about financial aid options for college. Anderson County High School counselor Sue Grosdidier said you and your student should each apply for a federal personal identification number from the U.S. Department of Education. You’ll both need a PIN number to apply for FAFSA, which is the form used to qualify for federal student aid. She says the FAFSA form can be done on-line or on paper. The deadline for submitting it is March 1. Colleges use the FAFSA in planning student loans, financial aid and work-study programs. Crest counselor Shelly Strickler said you must file your income tax return before you do the FAFSA. Grosdidier said you shouldn’t forget scholarship applications. Also, check the web site and