January 18, 2025

LOUISBURG – A singer and songwriter from Louisburg is in the running for a national girls band competition sponsored by clothing retailer Maurice’s. Valeri Bates, who calls herself Valeri, is the front singer for the Kansas City group Soundness, which includes two male musicians, one of whom is her teacher at the Kansas City Art Institute. Valeri, a Louisburg High School graduate, said Soundness plays what can be best described as lady metal, which looks at the darker side of issues confront teenage girls but mostly with more upbeat heavy-metal music. “Our sound is very different from what we’ve heard anyone else do,” Valeri said. Soundness, which plays gigs throughout the Kansas City area, is one of 500 semi-finalists in Maurice’s “Small Town Sound” band search. The list will be trimmed to 50 finalists after Monday night. Fans can vote for their favorite to make the final 50 before Tuesday. To vote or to see and hear the bands, check the Web site www.maurices.com.
Wednesday, Nov. 10, 3:30 p.m.

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