January 18, 2025

WASHINGTON — President Obama will deliver his second State of the Union address tonight. In the wake of the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, ABC Radio reports Democrats and Republicans will sit together in a show of collegiality, a political version of date night with some unlikely couples including New York liberal Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer sitting with Oklahoma conservative Republican Sen. Tom Coburn. However, Obama’s most important listeners won’t be in the House chambers. Political historian Steve Farnsworth of George Mason University – said tonight is President Obama’s best opportunity to reach Americans and give them a sense of where he wants to take the country – not only this year, but the year after that. KOFO will carry the President’s State of the Union address live tonight at 8 on the www.kofo.com. KOFO will also carry a special ABC Radio preview of the speech beginning at 7:06 tonight.
Tuesday, Jan. 25, 3 p.m.

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