January 22, 2025

OTTAWA — When he met with Franklin County commissioners Wednesday, Lake Region RC&D executive director Rick Porter talked about one of the most common hazards facing students and scientists taking water samples from streams in the Marais des Cygnes River basin for pollution studies – methampthetamine makers.  Frequently, researchers and students come across discarded coolers, containers and chemicals that are the remains of meth labs, he said.  The items show up so often in isolated rural areas or along quiet stream banks that Porter said he automatically assumes they’re from meth labs.  Because of the discarded items are hazardous chemicals that are toxic, researchers have to be very careful and have to summon specially-trained teams to dispose of them, he said.  “If you can see them, you’re too close,” he told commissioners.  Commissioners said that they’re heard that road grader operators are now seeing increased amounts of such toxic trash in ditches along rural roads.
Thursday, Feb. 17, 8:30 p.m.

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