December 2, 2024

OTTAWA — The Ottawa school board has decided on a lease-purchase agreement to buy new school buses and because of cheap prices being offered by contractors, the board decided to do a second roofing project this summer, this time on part of the roof at the Ottawa High School.  The money for the buses and roof will come from the district‘s capital outlay fund, Supt. Dean Katt said.  By state law, school district must divide money among segregated funds, and the ability to move money from fund to fund is limited, or in some cases banned by state law.  The capital outlay fund is used for one-time, big-ticket purchases or repair projects for facilities.  Capital outlay, with few exceptions, comes entirely from local property taxes.  The source of most of the contention with budget-cutting legislators is the general fund, which is the main fund that pays most teacher and employee salaries.  Most state aid goes into the general fund, and depending on the relative wealth of the school district, state aid can make up differing percentages of the general fund.  The distinction often confuses people — including a few legislators, Katt said.

Thursday, Feb. 17, 8:30 p.m.

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