December 4, 2024

OTTAWA — Funding for the Lake Region Resource Conservation & Development council and 374 RC&Ds across the nation will be eliminated as part of a budget deal between President Obama and House Republican leaders to prevent a government shutdown, said. Lake Region chairman Don Stottlemire said. Stottlemire said he doesn’t what’s going to happen to the group, has been in existence for 40 years and which has involved in several water quality, recycling and tree planting projects over the year, including the popular bicycle recycling program. Federal money paid for Rick Porter, Lake Region executive director, an office and some other expenses. The six member counties — Franklin, Anderson, Miami, Linn, Osage and Coffey counties – paid $5,000 each, he said. The counties will have to decide if they wish to increase funding or folding the organization, he said.
Thursday, April 14, 4:30 p.m.

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