December 2, 2024

COLUMBIA, Mo. — It’s big, clunky, heavy and old-fashioned. But cast iron pan and skillets are making a comeback. Cast iron is even used by celebrity chefs on TV.
Missouri Extension’s Tammy Roberts there’s a reason why cast iron frying pans have leaped into the fire. They’re versatile and can be used on the stove, in the oven and even over outdoor campfires. They distribute heat evenly, she said. But two urban myths that keep many from using cast iron skillets and pans. One is that food sticks to cast-iron but Roberts said food doesn’t stick to a properly seasoned cast iron pan. That means coating a cast iron pan with vegetable oil and putting it in an oven and baking it until the oil disappears, she said. Many also believe you can’t wash cast iron, causing it to rust. The rust problem is overblown, she said. Properly-seasoned cast iron doesn’t rust and won’t rust unless the pans are left sitting wet for long periods of time.
Tuesday, June 7, 2:30 p.m.

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