December 11, 2024

Kansas City- As Missouri braces for severe floods, the Salvation Army in Kansas City has activated several disaster teams to work alongside those fighting the rising waters of the Missouri River. Salvation Army disaster teams have been dispatched to Atchison County, Missouri, and Atchison County, Kansas, to provide food and drinks to people filling sandbags.
They may have their work cut out for them.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced Thursday that a third part of a levee near Hamburg, Iowa, but which is in Atchison County, Missouri, has been breached.
The corps has been trying to shore up the levee and is building an emergency levee to provide additional protection to Hamburg.
The river has been rising to near-historic levels because of heavy rains in the Dakotas and Montana, and after major dams opened their flood gates to alleviate strains from more-than-full lakes.
To help with the Salvation Army’s flood relief efforts can text mokan to 80888 to make an automatic $10 donation or make a credit card donation by calling 1-800-sal-army or contacting the web site
Friday, June 10, 1:05 p.m.

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