PAOLA — The Paola Rotary Club fair parade begins downtown tonight at 7 as part of the Miami County Fair. Tony and Anthony Juarez will perform tonight beginning at 8:30. The annual Learning Corner at the fair will be Thursday morning at 10 and 11 at Building Number 4. Miami County Extension agent Diane Burnett says the first one deals with a popular new shopping trend: Making shopping/tote bags out of feed and seed sacks. The instructors, Ann Detwiler and Jennie Miller, will demonstrate the steps for cutting, measuring and constructing different-sized bags that are just right for shopping. “These bags are very sturdy and colorful,” Burnett said. Instruction booklets with step-by-step directions and photos will be available for $2 each. At 11, “Eat Fresh, Eat Local, Part IV,” by Donna Cook and Vickie Vetter-Scruggs, Miami County Extension Master Food Volunteers. They’ll talk about shopping at local farmers market or roadside stands or growing food.
Wednesday, July 27, 3:30 p.m.