September 11, 2024

TOPEKA — Beware the hordes of zombies roaming Kansas in search of delicious, living flesh – like yours. Before you grab your 12-gauge shotgun and deal with zombies George Romero style, heed the words of the Kansas Division of Emergency Management, which prepares for everything — tornadoes, floods, fires, hurricanes, terrorist attacks and other disasters – including zombies. With Halloween approaching, october is Zombie Preparedness Month in Kansas. Kansas Division of Emergency Management’s Evan Tucking-Strickler said your preparations for zombies on your street are the same as any emergency – create an emergency kit that will allow you and your family to survive for at least three days, and draft a home emergency plan and practice it so that everyone knows what to do if a disaster strikes – or zombies crash through your door. KDEM will have several Halloween and zombie-themed events in and around Topeka to highlight the need to be ready for – whatever that might be.
Wednesday, Sept. 28, 3 p.m.

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