September 19, 2024

TOPEKA – Gov. Sam Brownback and Shawnee Mission East High School principal Karl Krawitz got the civics lesson instead. The Lawrence Journal-World reported that after receiving national ridicule, Brownback has apologized to a Johnson County teenager who launched a not-too-nice Tweet on Twitter after meeting him in Topeka during a Youth in Government visit. Student Emma Sullivan was hauled into the principal’s office, scolded and ordered to write an apology to Brownback. Brownback said his staff overreacted to her disparaging Tweet. And the Shawnee Mission school district over-ruled Krawitz, saying Sullivan didn’t have to apologize to Brownback. Sullivan said she originally intended the Tweet as a joke but Brownback’s office quickly became the joke as news of the incident spread and critics lambasted him for trying to abridge freedom of speech, waste taxpayer dollars by monitoring what was written about him on social networks, and being paranoid.
Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1 p.m.

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