OTTAWA – A Kansas City children’s charity is coming to Ottawa tomorrow to build a wheelchair ramp at the house of 10-year-old Cody Williams. It’s the first time that Variety of Greater Kansas City, a group dedicated to helping children with mobility issues, is doing a project in Ottwa, said executive director Deborah Wiebrecht. The group heard about Cody, who has spina bifida and is confined to a wheelchair, from a nurse at Children’s Mercy Hospital, she said. His father is a single father and the family is strapped for cash – an appropriately designed wheelchair ramp costs at least $3,000 – and it’s been difficult for Cody to get into his house, she said. The Kansas City architectural company PGAV designed the ramp and a porch for Cody’s house at 1004 E. 7th, she said. PGAV is also sending a team of volunteers to help build the ramp, she said. An anonymous donor from Ottawa contributed the lumber for the ramp and porch and other Ottawans have donated other equipment, she said. The effort is part of a Kansas City-based business and volunteer campaign called Project Change, she explained. Teams compete to make the biggest impact on the community and the prize goes to a non-profit of their choice, she said. But even if the team doing Cody’s house doesn’t win, Cody will be a winner, Wiebrecht said. Volunteers are welcome to help. They’ll be at the house Saturday from 8 to 5. Contact (913) 558.2309 or
Friday, April 13, 9 p.m.