February 10, 2025

OTTAWA — An early morning fire destroyed a former two-story apartment house at Sixth and Cedar. The fire occurred almost a year after a fire severely damaged the house. By the time the fire department was alerted and firefighters arrived, the house was fully engulfed in flames, Rick Oglesby, assistant fire chief, said. The house collapsed shortly after they arrived, he said. The fire was so hot it melted the plastic siding on Warren and Diana Winfrey’s house just to the south as well as damaging utility poles, trees and paint on other houses. The Winfreys didn’t know about the fire until a firefighter pounded on their door and told them to get out of their house, Warren Winfrey said. He said they fled after grabbing medicines and insulin for Diana Winfrey, who is diabetic. Warren said he figured the firefighter’s warning saved their lives because their bedroom – and a window air conditioner – was on the side of the house facing the fire. “The Good Lord had His arms wrapped around us,” he said. Oglesby declined to talk about the cause of the fire other than an investigation is being conducted by the Ottawa Fire Department, the Ottawa Police Department and the Kansas Fire Marshal.
Thursday, May 24, 10 a.m.

Here is the audio from Warren Winfrey…

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