OTTAWA — The second Suzuki Strings Sound Encounters concert is tonight at 7 at the Carnegie Culture Center. The program includes several student chamber ensembles. The Sound Encounters series winds up with the final concert Friday night at 7. Unlike earlier and tonight’s Sound Encounters concerts, Frday night’s concert will be at Ottawa University’s Fredrikson Chapel. The concert will include two orchestras, all repertoire classes and a bell choir. The Ottawa Suzuki Strings’ Mid-Southwest Institute begins Sunday. During the institute, advanced strings students have the option of attending “Kolors of Kreisler,” a special program inspired by violinist and composer Fritz Kreisler. The Ottawa Suzuki Strings kicks off a full week of nightly concerts with the Welcome Concert at p.m. Monday at OU. All concerts are free and open to the public.
Thursday, June 14, 1 p.m.