KANSAS CITY — A photographer from Spring Hill has pleaded guilty in federal court to one count of possession of child pornography. Kristopher Hausback set up a nude photo shoot with a 14-year-old girl, U.S. Attorney Barry Grissom said. Hausback admitted he advertised on model mayhem, where aspiring models meet photographers. He mostly solicited friends and relatives to pose as models, Grissom said. Last August, Leawood police officers received a report of a camera theft from Hausback occurring at the Aloft Hotel in Leawood. During the investigation, officers learned of the nude photos of the girl on his camera. During the nude photo shoot, the girl sent her brother a text telling him the name of the hotel and room number where it was occurring. Her stepfather went to the hotel and confronted Hausback. The two scuffled and the stepfather took the camera. Officers also found photos on Hausbeck’s camera and computer of another girl who was 16, as well as photos of minor girls engaged in sexually explicit conduct, Grissom said. Sentencing is Dec. 10. Grissom said both parties have agreed to recommend a sentence of not less than 42 months and not more than 96 months in federal prison.
Thursday, Sept. 6, 6 a.m.