February 10, 2025

LINCOLN, Neb. — Former Garnett mayor Mike Norman will be honored this afternoon at the Nebraska rehabilitation center where he received therapy after he was paralyzed following a race kart accident a few years ago. Norman is one of five people to receive the “Mettle of Honor” in a cermony at the Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital, Lincoln, today. Norman and his family will are in Nebraska for the ceremony and reception. The hospital gives the annual award to a handful of former patients who have shown courage and have prevailed despite their injuries. Norman’s spinal cord was injured when his go-cart hit a pole during a race at Lake Garnett. Norman underwent therapy even though he also had chronic lymphacytic leukemia and was completely dependent on others. Norman adapted to his injury and became independent and continued running his Dairy Queen store in Garnett and serving as a garnett city commissioner, the hospital said. He has also remained active in community and volunteer events.
Thursday, Sept. 20, 9 a.m.

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