February 10, 2025

OTTAWA- The following press release is from Franklin County Attorney Stephen A. Hunting.

As Franklin County Attorney, I am aware that the KBI is investigating the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office. As a matter of policy, the Franklin County Attorney’s Office does not comment on pending or ongoing investigations.

Since the subject of the KBI’s investigation is the Franklin County Sheriff Office, a conflict or, at a minimum the appearance of a conflict, exists with the County Attorney’s Office having a role in this matter. Our office works daily with the men and women of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office on several criminal matters. Due to the nature and number of Franklin County Sheriff’s Office criminal cases currently being prosecuted, and in an effort to keep cases moving through the judicial system, it is necessary to have an independent, outside party handle this matter.
In light of this fact, I made a request of the Shawnee County District Attorney’s Office to accept the role of special prosecutor for this matter and they accepted. The timing of this request is in no way indicative of my professional opinion, one way or the other, as to the nature or subject of the investigation. Rather, this is the wisest choice and this appointment should dispel any potential conflict or appearance of conflict or appearance of impropriety as this matter moves forward. This is a practice commonly done by prosecutors when such situations arise, and this decision is in the best interest of justice.


9/28/12 at 8:22 pm

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