February 9, 2025

MONT IDA – An Anderson County High School student spent much of last week and last weekend at the KU Medical Center after being bitten by a rattlesnake last week near Mont Ida. The Anderson County Review reported that 17-year-old Leah Yoder was walking through a field following her father’s tractor, which ran over a snake. She said when she stooped down to investigate, the snake bit her on the left hand. Her father Ben Yoder calmed her down and called an ambu­lance. He captured the foot-long snake, which turned out to be a massasaugua rattle­snake. The Great Plains Nature Center says the massasaugua is the smallest rattlesnake in Kansas, and is normally found in the eastern third of the state. At KU Medical Center, Yoder received six doses of anti-venom. Although she may lose some skin around the area where she was bitten, she is expected to fully recover. The Great Plains Nature Center says rattlesnake bites are not common in Kansas and rarely fatal. The center says there has only one documented fatality in Kansas from a rattle­snake bite over the last 60 years. The Anderson County Hospital told the Review that it may see  one or two poisonous snake bites a year.
Monday, Oct. 3, 8 p.m.

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