BURLINGTON — Coffey County Hospital will host a diabetes free fair Friday afternoon, Nov. 2 in the Allen Woods Conference Center at Burlington. The fair will focus on educating diabetes patients and their friends and family. Featured speaker is Heather Bolen, a Coffey Health Ssystems physical therapist and a diabetic. She’ll offer tips on leading a normal life while managing diabetes. Other individuals whose lives have been affected by diabetes will share their experiences. The diabetes fair will feature free blood pressure and blood sugar screenings, ideas for nutrition and activity, as well as foot- and skin-care information. Many diabetes-related vendors will be on hand to provide information. Admission is free, but seating is limited. Call (620) 364-2121, Ext. 4186, to register, or go on-line at coffeyhealth.org.
Wednesday, Oct. 24, 7 a.m.