OSAWATOMIE — When Osawatomie children’s librarian Heather Poage decided to put together a Halloween party for teenagers, she got more party than she expected. The Osawatomie Graphic reports that Poage recruited Mid-Continent Paranormal Investigations of Johnson County with the idea that its members would investigate the library for paranormal activity, then present their methodology and results at the teen event. The newspaper says Poage accompanied four paranormal team members who came to the library recently, set up their recording equipment in the basement, and waited for signs of unusual activity. They got it. Mid-Continent investigator Jason Kupzyk said a ball rolled off a level table and the team saw moving shadows. They heard a quick laugh, footsteps and heard a chair scooting across the floor. He also asked whoever or whatever was there, to knock a book off a podium. When investigators returned, the book was on the floor.
Wednesday, Oct. 31, 10 a.m.