PAOLA — Paola city officials and neighbors have started reviewing information from a traffic study on Osage Street. The Miami County Republic reports the city started the study following a fatal accident at the intersection of Osage and Maple streets on Sept. 21, when a motorist struck twin sisters on a bicycle, killing 9-year-old Johnna Feugate. The study offered several recommendations, including lowering the speed limit from 30 to 25 miles an hour, four-way stops at Osage and Walnut streets in front of the entrance to Wallace Park, and at Osage and East streets; developing a neighborhood watch along Osage Street; building sidewalks on at least one side of Osage Street, and starting a bicycle safety course for elementary and middle school students. The driver faces misdemeanor charges in Paola Municipal Court in connection with the accident.
Monday, Nov. 19, 10 a.m.