February 14, 2025

OTTAWA — Motivational speaker Nick Scott will return tonight to his alma mater Ottawa University to talk to students and the public. When he was 16, Scott was paralyzed. But instead of letting it ruin his life, Scott used it to turn it into becoming the head of his own company, and becoming an accomplished bodybuilder. Scott says he knows his story is inspirational but he plans to show his listeners how to inspire themselves. “ Somebody can say do it, but most times they don’t know how to do it themselves,” Scott said. “… I give people a blueprint of they get from A to Z. Some people can talk a great game but anybody can say follow your dream. I teach people how to be self-motivated.” For example, Scott said someone isn’t going to get out of bed at 4 a.m. to do cardio exercises because he’s inspirational, they get out of bed early because they’ve motivated themselves. Scott will speak tonight at 8 at the Fredrikson Chapel at OU. His talk is free and open to the public.
Tuesday, Dec. 4, 10 a.m.

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