TOPEKA — A suspect wanted in the deaths of two Topeka police officers Sunday night has been killed in a shootout this morning, the Shawnee County Sheriff’s Department said in a written news release. The sheriff’s office didn’t identify David Tiscareno, 22, Topeka; although Topeka police previously identified him as a suspect in the gun battle at a central Topeka supermarket. Gogian and Atherly died in a Topeka hospital Sunday night. Because the shooting involved Topeka police, the sheriff’s office took over the investigation. Acting on a citizen’s tip, agents from the Kansas Bureau of Investigation’s High Risk Response Team surrounded a house in central Topeka where the suspect was reported to be hiding, Lt. Jay Simecka, sheriff’s office spokesman said. The KBI team tried to negotiate without success, he said. When KBIT agents used tear gas, a man wielding a gun tried to flee and was killed in a hail of gunfire. It wasn’t immediately known if the man returned the KBI agents’ fire, he said. “It’s a tragedy and it’s clearly beyond words,” Topeka Police Chief Ron Miller said of the deaths of his officers. “It’s unspeakable almost about why this happens.” The sheriff’s office said more details will provided later this afternoon.
Monday, Dec. 17, 10 a.m.