GARNETT — With the onset of winter weather, the city of Garnett wrapped up a sidewalk-building binge this year. The Anderson County Review reports that the city spent $129,000 building and replacing sidewalks in residential and business areas over the last two years. The city will get reimbursed about half of the costs as property owners pay their share of the construction. Under city ordinances, property owners are responsible for building sidewalks but the city offered to pay $2 per square foot to ease the financial burden on those owners. City manager Joyce Martin told the Review because the city shared the costs, it resulted in more people redoing sidewalks. In recent years, the city was pushed by federal and state regulators to comply with the federal Americans With Disabilities Act, also known as ADA. The city developed a plan for new sidewalks in the downtown area and a U-shaped network from the city’s senior living complexes near North Lake Park to stores along U.S. 59.
Thursday, Dec. 20, 1 p.m.