Eleven benches, made from 100% recycled materials, have been installed at various locations around Osawatomie as part of the Community Bench Project. Several Osawatomie organizations and entities partnered with the Lake Region Solid Waste Authority to submit an application under the Kansas Department of Health and Environment Tire Grant Program to fund the project. In addition to the KDHE Tire Grant, funding for the project was provided by contributions from the Osawatomie Rotary Club, City of Osawatomie, Osawatomie Chamber of Commerce and Osawatomie Pride.
Park Benches were installed at the following locations: three park benches at the playground areas around Osawatomie Lake, one bench at the Soldiers’ Monument, one bench at the Outdoor Family Fitness Park, six trail benches at various school bus stops around town.
The Lake Region Solid Waste Authority is a group of six neighboring counties who work together to solve solid waste issues, build recycling facilities, dispose of household hazardous waste properly and encourage the public to “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”.