Miami County officials are reviewing options to correct a gap in coverage in the radio system in the northeast corner of the county. Law enforcement and emergency management officials report there is a 12 square mile section of “dead space” in the northeast, as well as some possible coverage lapses in the southwest and west-central parts of the county. The county is questioning third party testing that was completed in late July and early August and it appears there are multiple areas that are not showing up in test results. Miami County Emergency Management Coordinator, Mark Whelan, says he was present during testing southwest and north of Osawatomie and in the western part of the county.
Motorola guaranteed 95% coverage, and commissioners questioned if the radio system was actually covering 95% of the county. Three options are being considered: Installing repeaters in cars at a cost of about $7,000 per unit, putting up an additional tower in the northeast part of the county at a cost of about $12.5 million, or joining the Metropolitan Area Regional Radio System at a cost of about $1 million.