October 13, 2024

Just as you thought it was safe to go out in the yard and have a little fall relaxation time, here comes giant, flying venomous spiders. The joro spider, an invasive species native to East Asia, was recently spotted in 10 states, and as close as Oklahoma. These venomous spiders are known for their so-called ‘flying’ capabilities. They can release a silk web into the air, allowing them to be carried by the wind for miles. Their legs can grow to be up to 4 inches long. One good thing…the spiders eat mosquitoes, yellow jackets, and stink bugs to name a few.

While they are causing disruption to native insect populations as they spread, their venom is not deadly to humans, yet. I sure don’t want one landing on me! Scientist say they will be monitoring any mutation in the gene pool that may make the spiders more dangerous to humans.

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