OTTAWA — The second annual Rodney White Golf Tournament Saturday seeks to raise $15,000 for two area children who need medical treatment. The tournament begins at 8 a.m. at the Ottawa Country Club. Rodney White’s mom Dana said that because of the help he received, her son wanted to have another golf tournament to help pay the expenses for the families of four-year-old Joshua Berr, Williamsburg; and four-year-old Delaney Murphy of Ottawa. Joshua was diagnosed with leukemia in May and is facing three years of intense treatment. Delaney has Spina Bifida and associated conditions and has had to have have several surgeries and other treatment. Organizers hope to raise at least $15,000. Last year’s tournament helped pay Rodney’s expenses as he helped fight and survive cancer. Call the Franklin County Attorney’s office, Dana White at the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department or tournament coordinator Denise Woods (785) 242-7074.