December 26, 2024

JOHN REDMOND LAKE — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is releasing water from John Redmond Reservoir to lower the lake level to help Coffey County authorities find a missing 11-year-old boy. Jeremy Jenkins disappeared Dec. 4 after a boat capsized on the lake. The bodies of his father, Jason Jenkins, 40, Neosho Falls; and uncle 22-year-old Clinton Yeager, 22, Neosho Falls; were found on the shoreline during a search. The Coffey County sheriff suspended the search for the boy after two weeks when the lake began freezing over. The Corps said it will lower the lake by about two feet when it stops the release Thursday morning. The agency said the Neosho River level will rise quickly as the water is released.
Wednesday, Jan. 5, 7 a.m.

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