TOPEKA — A National Weather Service forecaster in Topeka said a rare combination of atmospheric factors means Franklin County and the surrounding area are at risk for tornadoes and super-cell thunderstorms tonight. Weather service forecaster Chad Ohmitt said the mixture of heat, moisture and upper wind patterns could make it a wild evening for most of the area bounced by I-70, Garnett and Emporia as well as points south. Conditions are similar to those that produced the powerful storms and tornado that flattened Chapman two years ago, he said. It’s rare for the weather service to label whole regions as “high risk” conditions for tornados and super-storms, which happened earlier today, he said. The high-risk area includes southern and east-central Kansas, southern Missouri and northwest Arkansas. The greatest risk for the Franklin County area is between 6 p.m. and midnight, he said. A nasty line of storms will develop in central Kansas this afternoon and move east. Residents should keep an eye on the sky and monitor weather broadcasts. Ohmitt talked to emergency officials and reporters in a teleconference just before noon.
Tuesday, May 24, 1:30 p.m.