January 15, 2025

OTTAWA — County commissioners looked at bridge study done by public works director Jim Haag during Monday’s meeting. The county has about 3,000 tubes, culverts, and bridges, Haag said. Many of the county’s 245 bridges need some sort of repairs and a few are in need of major repairs or replacement, he said. The county should develop a list and save money to fix or replace the worst bridges, he said. The study is the first step in doing that, he said. At county administrator Lisa Johnson’s urging, commissioners will take a trip Monday morning to look at four bridges she said should be closed. All of the bridges are old and are on minimum-maintenance roads, and one is behind a locked gate, she said. It could be more feasible to vacate the bridges rather than make any repairs, she said.
Tuesday, March 6, 4 p.m.

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