OTTAWA — Ottawa city commissioners hashed out an agreement at Monday’s study session, to lower a proposed stormwater utility fee to $4 per month at Mayor Gene Ramsey’s request. Some commissioners worried about the impact of the new fee on non-profit groups and churches. Commissioners scheduled a vote on the new fee for Wednesday but say they’ll continue to discuss the fee for the next few weeks. The city is under pressure to establish the stormwater utility in the face of federal clean-water rules that seek to reduce the amount of pollution and soil carried into streams by storm run-off. The money from the fee would be used to build and maintain storm drainage conduits and clean-water structures. Once approved, the fee would likely go into effect Jan. 1.
but some disagreement over how high it should be. City commissioner blake jorgensen said it should be remembered this is a brand new fee.
Tuesday, March 20, 3 p.m.