January 14, 2025

OTTAWA — The county wanted to renegotiate an interlocal agreement with the city of Ottawa concerning the urban growth area. Now the city wants to renegotiate an interlocal agreement with the county concerning the 911 emergency dispatch center.
During Wednesday’s meeting, City Commissioner Jeff Richards renewed his call to make changes over how the 911 center is funded. The county collects property tax funds to run the center but then bills the city for half the dispatch center’s expenses, Richards said. Ottawa taxpayers end up paying twice for dispatch services, he said. That means another three to four mills extra for Ottawa taxpayers because of the way the city is billed for the 911 center, he said. City attorney Bob Bezek told Richards that he’s been negotiating some technical matters with the county for a new 911 agreement but said the question of funding should be worked out among city and county commissioners.
Thursday, March 22, 1 p.m.

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