OSAGE CITY — The Kansas Department of Transportation will host a public open house next week for a proposed roundabout at the intersection of U.S. 75 and K-268/K-31 north of Lyndon, and a proposed rebuild of K-31 in Osage County. The come-and-go open house will be 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19, at the Osage City schools lunchroom. KDOT plans to replace the U.S 75 intersection with a single-lane roundabout. Also, included is a new park-and-ride lot near the roundabout. KDOT also wants to reconstruct K-31 between the east city limits of Osage City east to the proposed roundabout. That would include adding shoulders and flattening the hills along K-31. Construction for the roundabout project is scheduled to begin in later this fall and take about a year.
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 4 p.m.