December 26, 2024

EDMONDS, Okla. — A Kansas City girl kidnapped three years by her mother has been found yesterday by U.S. Marshals, who arrested her mother in Oklahoma Monday. Lillie warren, who is now 13, was taken by her mother Carla Osborne during a bitter custody dispute. William Warren, her father, said Osborne failed to bring back the girl following a visitation. KSHB Channel 41 reported it took three years of warren and his wife badgering legal authorities to act. The authorities called it a civil matter and declined to take action. After his wife Barbara Warren visited the home of a judge, authorities started a criminal investigation this summer and in August, the Jackson County prosecutor’s office issued a warrant for the arrest of Osborne. The girl and Warren talked on the phone immediately after her mother was arrested. Warren will drive to Oklahoma to pick her up. He told Channel 41 that the 13-year-old told him that her mother moved her from place to place over the years, living in motels, and on the streets. She has not recently been enrolled in school.
Tuesday, Sept. 17, 4 p.m.

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