December 26, 2024

TOPEKA — The Kansas Republican Party has adopted a resolution that demands state leaders reject Common Core school standards and prohibit adoption of new science standards. State GOP chair Kelly Arnold told the Lawrence Journal-World that many people oppose Common Core standards for reading and math, which are going into effect in Kansas and 44 other states. The state GOP committee resolution says the Common Core standards obliterates state control of language arts and math standards, and is an unconstitutional and illegal transfer of power to the federal government. A number of Tea Party groups have targeted Common Core. Supporters of Common Core, including the state board of education, say the standards are aimed at improving student performance. Without mentioning evolution, the GOP resolution rejects any standards that require the state to give up of control over science standards. The resolution also offers full support to Gov. Sam Brownback and his plan to end or severely cut state income taxes.
Tuesday, Sept. 18, 4 p.m.

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