December 28, 2024

Seen any coyotes running around Ottawa lately? Many people have. As a matter of fact, I had one in my backyard just a couple days ago, my neighbor took pictures of it, and plenty have been reported lately on social media. Coyotes are making a move into towns all across Kansas. The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks say this is mostly due to the extreme drought the state has experienced as the animals come to look for food and water. Wildlife officials say coyotes may mistake small pets for prey or attack large dogs they see as threat to their territory. They suggest keeping food and water sources picked up and not left out.

If you do see a coyote, keep calm, they tend to avoid people and are probably just looking for a place to rest and are normally scared of people. If it doesn’t seem scared, officials say that means it has been fed and should not be approached. You can frighten the animal by raising your arms and yelling.

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