The weather predicted for the next week or so will really put a strain on our ability to stay warm. Fortunately, most of us have a nice warm home we can bundle up in. But, have you ever thought about the homeless in our area. There are more people than you think without shelter for the approaching arctic cold. You can help. Several organizations have come together to raise funds to help shelter the homeless in the coming days. Hope House, ECKAN, and the Blessing Box Foundation are teaming to raise funds to secure hotel rooms for those in need. For only $55.00, you can make sure someone is in out of the cold. It could be an individual, it could be a family with children, it might be one of your relatives or friends, who know…it might be you someday.
Cant give up that much money? What if you split it with a friend, or a group of friends? KOFO encourages everyone to make a donation to one of these organizations to make sure no one has to be outside during the life threatening cold that is expected to be in the area by Wednesday night. Call Hope House, ECKAN, or the Blessing Box Foundation today. They will help you with your donation and turn it into a blessing for someone who could truly use it.
You can bring donations to KOFO if you like. We will gladly take them to Hope House in hopes no one will be forced to be outside during the upcoming cold spell.