A project that has been in the works for over 15 years is going to get started today. Crews will begin work on the Cottonwood Lift Stations. Construction of a new sewage pump station will improve abilities to transport wastewater on the north side. The project is located on North Cottonwood Street, south to the levee off K-68 Highway. An open public meeting on the project is scheduled for this evening, January 16. Ottawa City Manager, Richard Nienstedt, with more information on the meeting and the project:
The meeting will be at 6:00 this evening at City Hall. If you have any questions or concerns in regard to the Cottonwood Lift Station Project, the open house would be a good opportunity to get them answered. For more information, contact Public Works and Utilities Director, Dennis Tharp, or Assistant Utilities Director, Dan Riney at City Hall.