January 9, 2025

The City of Garnett has a job opening for a position that has seen five take the job and leave the job in a little over a year. What job, you ask? Meter Reader. City Manager Travis Wilson called the Meter Reader position one of the most critical positions in the city. Getting proper readings from utility meters so people can be billed correctly. The job does require some physical work, walking the city to read meters, manually logging readings in books that become the core of the city’s monthly utility billing, where the majority of city revenues are derived. Twenty books a month – over 5,000 individual meters including gas, water, and electric. While working out in the elements – the job must be done whether it’s raining, snowing, hot or cold and that can be a negative about the job.

If you need a job, the City of Garnet has an opening and would love to find someone who could be the full time Meter Reader for an extended period of time. You can apply online or at City Hall.

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