March 6, 2025

A state senator wants to put more money in the pockets of minimum wage workers in Kansas. While critics agree change is needed, they worry about unintended consequences for everyone. Senator Ethan Corson introduced Senate Bill 70, also knowns as “Making Work Pay Act,” with the hope of increasing minimum wage. The bill would raise the minimum wage in kansas to $10 starting next year. Then, it would continue to gradually increase by $2 each year until it reaches $16 in 2027. Right now, minimum wage in kansas is set at $7.25 an hour. That hasn’t changed since 2010. Corson says it’s just not enough to live on in today’s economy.

Opponent say increasing minimum wage makes the cost of good and services go up. He cites the big jump in prices at fast food restaurants lately as an example. The most affected would be small businesses that have a limited amount of capital they can pay workers.