March 6, 2025

Today, February 21st, is Marijuana Action Day. Various groups around the state will converge on the Statehouse to urge lawmakers to legalize the plant. They are calling it a Medical Marijuana Day of Action. The ACLU indicated that Kansans will share their perspectives on how the prohibition of the drug has compromised their medical care and negatively impacted their quality of life, which exacerbates suffering from chronic illnesses.

They say that many who are sick in Kansas cannot legally access the medicine their medical providers have determined works best for them, including veterans with PTSD or cancer patients who find the medicinal properties of marijuana relieve their pain and suffering without debilitating side effects. Supporters say legalization would provide millions in revenue for roads, schools and new opportunities for farmers. The group will gather at the South Wing of the first floor of the Kansas Statehouse at 10 this morning.