It sounds too bizarre to believe — combining catfish and alligator DNA? But, that’s what researchers at Auburn University in Alabama are doing to create a Hybrid creature. They say it’s being done in order to reduce the chances of infection. Apparently about 40% of the fish worldwide die from diseases between the time they’re born to the time they’re harvested, mainly because the farm ponds where they’re produced, make the fish susceptible to infections. The gene-edited fish were given an antimicrobial protein with a long name that researchers believe make alligators more resistant to infections after being injured.
Now, if you’re looking for catfish with a long snout, filled with pointy teeth, don’t worry, the altered fish can’t reproduce. Researchers say that could be done, they have the technology; but, don’t think the world is ready for them to start playing God. By the way, in 2021 alone, 307 million pounds of live catfish were produced in the U. S.