This week has been Kansas Severe Weather Awareness Week and you likely heard the statewide Tornado Safety Drill Tuesday morning, March 7th. Miami County Emergency Management Coordinator, Mike Fleming, says Miami County has 15 storm sirens, but to remember, sirens are designed to be heard outdoors and not necessarily indoors. That fact is reiterated by National Weather Service Meteorologist John Woynick who encourages people to not wait too long to take shelter:
The county can set off four storm sirens in the city limits of Louisburg. The City of Paola has nine storm sirens, and Osawatomie has four, and those cities control their own sirens. Fleming says the sirens have been strategically placed throughout the county in areas where people are likely to gather outside, such as campgrounds at Hillsdale Lake and mobile home parks. They are also located in rural communities, such as Hillsdale, Block, Fontana, Beagle and Bucyrus.