The Asian long-horned tick is an invasive species spreading a new fatal disease among cattle in the U. S. The disease, carried by a newly discovered invasive species of tick, is moving west across the U. S. and killing cattle. The asian long-horned tick carries theileria, which causes fatal anemia in affected cows. It’s recently been discovered in Kansas.
Cassandra Old, microbiologist at Kansas State University, says the disease is so devastating because it’s new and cows haven’t yet developed an immune response. She says outbreaks are always going to be the most severe when something is introduced into a new environment. Olds says it’s likely that cows will eventually adapt to the new pathogen; but for now, agricultural experts say the disease could have devastating effects on cattle herds. That could lead to a decrease in beef supply and increase beef prices for consumers.
Theileria has so far been detected in seven states, including Kansas.