January 11, 2025

Property Valuation letters were sent out recently to Miami County residents and the increases many saw are not setting well. At a recent Miami County Commission Meeting, the room was filled with people wishing to express their discontent with the increase. Overall, Miami County’s Median Residential Property Valuation in 2023 went up 19.68% from last year, according to information from the Miami County Appraiser’s office. Many say their valuations went up double digits and on a fixed income, it makes it tough to swallow. Another issue discussed was how people are coming in from outside of Miami County and paying more than the asking price for local properties that are in high demand, which drives up the comp values.

County Appraiser, Justin Eimers, says he is required by state law to come within 10 points above or below the market value. He says people are free to appeal the decision and that direction on how to do so are on the valuation letters they received.

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