January 11, 2025

If you are a smoker and looking to quit, you need to listen up. For the first time in the twenty-year history of the Kansas Tobacco Quitline, that’s 1-800-quit-now, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment is offering all phone coaching enrollees eight weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy while supplies last. Participants who are 18 years and older that want to quit smoking, vaping or chewing tobacco and enroll in the phone coaching program can choose a lozenge, gum, or patch that will be mailed directly to their home if they enroll by midnight Sunday, April 30th.

It is well known that people who want to quit smoking, try several times before succeeding, but, proven treatments can improve their chances. The Kansas Tobacco Quitline is a free, 24/7 resource available to Kansas residents to help them quit smoking. The Quitline provides help, such as counseling, a personalized quit plan and quitting support by phone and through online services. A survey of quitline users highlighted that 90% of participants were satisfied with the Quitline coaches and counselors.

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