March 6, 2025

One silver lining, if you want to call it that, of the spiking retail prices and Nationwide inflation rate is that it continues to drive sales tax collection higher for all counties in Kansas, including Anderson County. February sales tax distributions show Anderson County’s collections on goods sold in December 2022, rose 23.5% over February 2022, and notched a 17.1 percent increase for the first two months of 2023 compared to last year.

Rural counties across Kansas saw similar increases as consumers paid more for virtually all products from groceries to vehicles to farm supplies the past year. The $141,459 in distributed sales tax funds Anderson County received from December sales includes the last taxes collected for the final Bond payments on the Anderson County Jail, whose ½ cent sales tax reached its sunset at the end of December.

Garnett’s City sales tax distribution showed a 39% increase over February of last year at $32,444 and 28.6 percent ahead for the two months of the calendar year.