State flower… Sunflower. Stated bird… Meadowlark. State tree… Cottonwood. State animal… Buffalo. State dinosaur… what? Kansas State Dinosaur? There were dinosaurs in Kansas? As of last week, Kansas has a new state dinosaur. Silversaurus condrayi, or the Ankylosaur, a one ton animal about 13 feet long that walked across Kansas about 100 million years ago.
One of the most well preserved and complete fossil of the Ankylsaur was found in Ottawa County by farmer Warren Condray in 1955. He was rounding up cattle after a heavy storm had passed. His grandson, Joel Condray, testified at the hearing in Topeka. He says its the only Dakota Formation Dinosaur found in Kansas. Governor Kelly signed the bill on Friday.
Want to see the new Kansas State Dinosaur? It’s on display in the KU Natural History Museum