January 11, 2025

Next week, April 17th, is National Work Zone Awareness Week. We all see the transportation workers on the highways wearing orange. Wednesday, April 19th, is “Go Orange” day. Everyone is encouraged to wear orange and show highway workers and everyone who works along the roadways, how much their efforts are appreciated.

Here are a few facts. About 90% of the time, the people injured or killed in work zone crashes are motorists. There was an average of three work zone crashes every day in Kansas last year, the top factor in those crashes is inattention. Slow down, speeding up to 65 mile per hour from 55 will only save you one minute on a six mile trip. Fines double in work zones. If you don’t slow down, you will pay up. Finally, the Kansas “Move Over Law” requires motorists on four-lane highways to switch to the lane furthest from any stationary vehicle displaying flashing lights, if it is safe to do so. On two-lane highways, slow down and proceed with caution. Drive safe, be attentive, slow down and make sure everyone gets home safe.